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Trucos de Night in the Woods para PC

Claves, códigos, secretos, trofeos, logros, consejos
Sábado 21 de Mayo de 2022 por Alvaro Ondina

En esta página, te mostramos el listado completo con todos los trucos para Night in the Woods para PC, con los que podrás avanzar más rápido en el juego. Códigos, claves, consejos, guías y todo lo que consigamos te lo mostraremos.

Trucos para Night in the Woods en PC

Infinite Fall nos lleva a Ninght in the Woods, una interesante aventura en la que encarnaremos a unos animales. Recorreremos unos niveles en 2 dimensiones con diseño de película de animación, tratando de acompañar a Mae Borowski a su casa. Un título de plataformas, en el que exploraremos múltiples lugares y llevaremos a cabo innumerables acciones. A continuación encontraréis un largo listado de archivos a desbloquear en vuestro PC:

Welcome Back!: Well, that could have gone better. Also, a lot worse.

What???: Huh, Ok then, Hm.

The End: Oh, no. Oh no no no no.

Changing Of The Seasons: Shorter Days, Longer Nights.

Echoes: Ghosts!

Mother Of Vermin: Feed them once and they're yours.

~*~Demonpower~*~: ¡¡¡You have ascended the Demon's Tower!!

Bass Ackwards: It's just four strings, how hard could it possibly be?

Maestro: Four strings and the spite to use 'em.

Jenny's Field: Everythin feels bigger and smaller.

Rabies!: All Hail Rabies.

Crusty: Those bad someone else's mouth germs on them!

You killed that poor roach: That was evidence. Probably. Geez.

Accidentally Good Dinner: Let's not pretend it was skill.

Knife Fight: Slasher, stabber, all around knifer.

Brainshot!: A killer's eye.

Poets of Possum Springs: A blueness, a youness, a dankness, a thankness.

Best Available Friend: Proximity counts.

Let's Be Legends: Long after we're gone the kids will still talk about it.

He's from somewhere: And it's here. And there's a trampoline!

Horrorshow: "Everything Sucks Forever" says 15 year old horror aficcionado and train tracks lurker Lori M.

Miracle Rats: Hope springs, rats multiply.

Dusk Stargazer: That sounds like someone's name if they could name themselves at age 10.

Thryy Wyrd Tyyns: Spooky magic or something. Who Knows.

The Tooth: No Bobs. No Masters.

Deep Hollow Hollerers: Music fills empty spaces.

Palecat: Stop the bleeding.

At The End Of Everything: Well, that was weird.

Hold Onto Anything: Again, that was weird.

Make It Last: As long as it will

Seriously?: All sketches? We made the game and have never gotten this. Wow.

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