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Old 29-oct-2004, 12:18     #1 (permalink)
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Predeterminado FFVII Advent Children

Bueno abro el post para aquellos amantes de FFVII que esperan con ansia la salida de esta película que porfin tratará sobre la historia principal del FFVII. La película saldrá directamente en formato dvd para su compra directa. A ver que tal está, según lo poco que he leido la crítica no habla mal de ella.

La calidad no es muy buena pero se reconocen muy fácilmente quien es quien.

[+ info] {En inglés}

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children is the much anticipated sequel to Square's top selling game Final Fantasy VII. The sequel however will not be in the form of a game [like Final Fantasy X-2], but instead as a CG movie.

The movie will run for somewhere between 70 and 80 minutes and will be released on DVD and UMD [for the Sony PSP]. It will feature a total of 20 characters, including the popular Cloud and Sephiroth, and is being developed by Square-Enix in conjunction with Visual Works.

It is expected to be released in Japan at the end of 2004, with a US release to follow shortly after [first quarter of 2005]. No word on a European or Australian release has been made as yet.

Enlace a Advent Children.Net
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